Gæster på Art-Bubble

Udenlandske Gæster 2024

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Tom Richmond har siden 2000 været en del af det skøre slæng, der udgør MAD MAGAZINE. Udover MAD Magazine har Richmond arbejdet for bl.a. TIME, GQ Magazine, General Mills og bugtaleren Jeff Dunham.  Læs mere om Tom Richmond på hans hjemmeside - www.tomrichmond.com
Budjette Tan er skaber af TRESE, der foregår i Manila i Filippinerne.
Alexandra Trese har mistet sin far og nu er det hendes opgave at holde freden blandt de overnaturlige væsner, der kalder millionbyen sit hjem.  KUN LØRDAG!
Ian Sta Maria er konceptkunstner og illustrator fra Filippinerne. Hans værker er endnu ikke så kendte i Danmark, men vi glæder os enormt meget til at lære ham bedre at kende.  KUN LØRDAG!
Vincenzo Balzano er født i Napoli i 1984, hvor han også er uddannet ved The Academy of Fine Arts. Han er bedst kendt for "Revenge: Origin of Emily Thorne" for Marvel, "The Cloud" og "Run Wild" for Boom! Studios, "Clinton Road," "Adlivun," og "Bunkerville" for Ankama. For tiden arbejder han på en adaption af den franske roman "Le Démon de la Colline aux Loups" for Dupuis.
Vincenzo Balzano præsenteres på Art Bubble i samarbejde med IIC Copenaghen - Det Italienske Kulturinstitut i København.
Diala Brisly er opvokset i Damaskus men bor i dag i Frankrig, efter at have flygtet.
Hun startede sin karriere som illustrator i 2001 og arbejder både indenfor tegneserier og animation.
I dag fokuserer Diala på syriske flygtningebørns uddannelsesmuligheder. Her opretter hun alternative skoler for børn i flygtningelejre og laver vægmalerier.  Born in Kuwait to Syrian parents in 1980, Diala grew up in Damascus and was based there until the uprisings sent her and legions of other artists to different countries. She recently received her asylum in France, where she works on projects as a freelancer.
In 2001 Diala began her career as a comics artist, starting with her experience at the Syrian-based Spacetoon channel, launching her professional path in animation and comics. Since then, her career has spanned a variety of mediums and capacities, including layout design, animation, concept art, painting,
Comics books, and character design.
Today, Diala focuses on highlighting the educational situation of Syrian kids, and refugees in general. In 2014 Diala started her own initiative making murals in refugee camps and alternative education centers to
encourage children to go back to school. Her other projects focus on feminism, wellbeing, and psychological themes such as post trauma.
Italienske Eleonora Carlini har arbejdet på et hav af tegneserier, som farvelægger, rentegner og mere.
Hun arbejder til daglig for både DC og Marvel og er udgivet på Boom! Studios og Titan UK.
Lina Ghaibeh er tegneserie- og animationsillustrator og forsker ved the American University of Beirut. Her er hun direktør for Center for Arab Comics Studies og forsker i tegneserier i den arabiske verden og dens rolle i arabisk kultur.
Noha Habaieb kommer fra Tunesien, hvorfra hun er uddannet grafiker. Hun har også studeret ved École Supérieure des Arts Saint-Luc i Belgien. Hun var med til at danne kollektivet Lab619 i 2013.
I 2017 var hun med-stifter på "Koskh" illustrationsstudio i Tunesien med fokus på landets ophav og arv gennem illustration for børn og unge.  Noha Habaieb is a Tunisian French visual storyteller, she is living in Doha. After studying comics in Belgium, she returned to Tunisia where she co-founded the Lab619, an award-winning comics collective, publishing the first comics magazine for adults in Tunisia in 2013. Noha took part in the evolution of the
magazine by participating with her own comics, organising artistic residencies themed around migration, identity and borders and improving the coordination between the group members.
She also contributed to several international collective exhibitions of Comics and Illustrations. In 2017, she co-founded “Koskh”, an illustration studio based in Tunisia, which aims to promote Tunisian heritage
through illustrations for children and adults.
In 2022 she was part of the jury members of The Mahmoud Kahil Award which aims to promote comics, editorial cartoons and illustration in the Arab world as well as the jury of The Sharjah Children's Book
Illustration Exhibition.
Gary Erskine har arbejdet for MARVEL, DC Comics, Vertigo, Dark Horse Comics, IMAGE, IDW med forfattere som Mark Millar, Garth Ennis, James Robinson og Grant Morrison på titler som Hellblazer, War Stories, og Grindhouse with Alex De Campi. Han har tegnet karaktererne Judge Dredd, Starman, Dan Dare og Captain America. Han har også bidraget til store serier som Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Transformers og Terminator. 
Hans egen serie Roller Grrrls foregår i den spændende og til tider brutale roller derby verden.
Gary er også erfaren storyboard og koncept kunstner og bidraget til Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions og Edge of Time. For nyligt har han arbejdet på FRONTLINES og lavet forsider til Sabrina, The Teenage Witch for Archie Comics. Han er også vendt tilbage til 2000AD, hvor han tegner Rogue Trooper.
Udover at lave tegneserier, arbejder Gary også med Character Design workshops for skoler og universiteter, såsom Dublins Pulse College og underviser i storyboarding for filmstuderende og game design. Han har produceret uddannelsesmaterialer og holder foredrag på forskellige universiteter, herunder i Glasgow og St. Andrews.  --  I have worked for MARVEL, DC Comics, Vertigo, Dark Horse Comics, IMAGE, IDW with writers Mark Millar, Garth Ennis, James Robinson and Grant Morrison on books including Hellblazer, War Stories, and Grindhouse with Alex De Campi, with characters as diverse as Judge Dredd, Starman, Dan Dare and Captain America. I have also contributed to licenses including Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Transformers and Terminator.  I provide storyboards and concept design work for the games industry and boarded Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions and Edge of Time. Recent work includes the FRONTLINES graphic novel and covers for Archie and Sabrina, The Teenage Witch for Archie Comics. I have most recently returned to 2000AD for Rogue Trooper.  Outside comics, I host character Design workshops for schools and colleges including Dublin's own Pulse College and teach storyboards for film students and games design. I have produced educational and promotional work and talks for various universities including Glasgow and St Andrews, and contributed art for the BBC and Channel 4.

Danske Gæster 2024

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